What can I expect if I am visiting?
Friendly faces and a family atmosphere and warm welcome.
Where do you meet?
We meet in the main hall at Millbrook Community Centre at 11am.
What is the general format of your meetings on a Sunday?
Our Sunday morning service starts at 11am with a welcome and announcements followed by a time of worship led by the band for about 30 minutes. Please feel free to join in, stand or sit- what ever makes you most comfortable. Whoever is speaking then gives a talk based on a bible passage. Our service normally concludes with a further time of worship. An important part of our service is connecting with each other over a tea or coffee at the end of the service.
Do you celebrate communion together?
We have the communion together as part of our worship service on the last Sunday of each month. This is open to anyone who believes in Jesus Christ and is seeking to follow him. If you are unsure about what you believe or have questions about the Christian faith then please feel free to talk to one of the leaders.
Do I have to give any money?
We don't lift an offering during our services but there is box at back of the hall if you want give something. If you are regularly attending our church and want to find out the best way to supporting us financially then please ask for information (standing order forms and Justgiving details available).
How do I become a member?
We have membership classes for anyone who wants to become a member. However, you don't need to be a member to participate in church activities.
Can I bring my children with me?
Children are always welcome on Sundays and at most of our events. We have creche and sunday school facilities available.
Do you have a child protection policy in place?
Yes we do, we take our children’s safety very seriously. Our children’s workers and leaders are all police checked.
I am coming from another church, does that matter?
No, of course not, but if you are planning to stay with us and make us your home we would ask that you speak to your leaders and inform them of your decision and reasons and get their blessing to move on.
I don’t know anything about church, can I still come and visit you?
Yes, we would love to meet you, you are welcome to come and look at what we are doing and ask as many questions as you like.
Do you do baptisms?
Yes, we do baptisms for people who feel they are ready to commit their lives to Jesus, this is after completing a pre-baptism course. We prefer to dedicate children who are then able to make their own decision about baptism when they are older.
Do you take weddings and pre-marriage courses?
Yes, we run pre-marriage courses and we would be happy to consider being part of your wedding after discussion.
I have done some things that I know I think the church says is wrong, can I still come and visit you?
A resounding yes, Jesus welcomes everyone, what He tells us is that we are to welcome everyone too. If you wish to talk through some of these issues we would love to have a chat with you.
What do I wear?
Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable, whether it is T-shirt and jeans or shirt and tie; however, most people dress casually.
What is first breakfast?
First breakfast is our Sunday morning service which happens on the first Sunday of each month. We simply have a late breakfast together in an informal church setting. We listen to the band play a couple of new songs and then hear a short talk from our Pastor or visiting speaker. It is a great opportunity to get to know everyone.
Anything else?
If so, please contact us by filling in the contact form.