Leviticus 16:13

13He shall put the incense on the fire before Yahweh, that the cloud of the incense may cover the mercy seat that is on the covenant, so that he will not die.


Twenty-four seven the fire was to burn. It wasn’t allowed to go out. The fire was on the altar. The flame was ready for every sacrifice. The priest had to feed the fire to keep it alive – and so do we! Jesus told us of the wise and foolish virgins (Matthew 25). They all looked the same. They dressed the same, they each had a lamp, and they each had oil. If they sat in our church, we couldn’t tell them apart. The only difference was that some were in for the long haul while the foolish ones weren’t prepared to go the distance; they ran out of oil. They let the fire go out. If you feel your fire is waning think back to what last inspired you about Jesus Christ. Was it a sermon, a thought, a book, or maybe even a word from God? Re-live it. Re-read it. Pray about it. Worship; ignite the fire again. Go to God and get some more oil. He always has enough to go around!

Father, ignite the fire. Let it be a torch in my soul. May I be fueled by the love of God. I don’t trust myself to always get it right. Sometimes I let the voice of the world drown out the voice of my Saviour. Holy Spirit come and inspire me. Direct my heart to delight in Jesus day by day not just when I’m in the mood. Amen.